Create Auto Disappearing AlertBox Using HTML,CSS And Javascript
Introduction alert boxes are useful for displaying important information or messages to users on a webpage. They can be used to inform users about errors, successful actions, or important updates. In this article, we will learn how to create an alert box using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that has a close button and appears for 3 seconds before disappearing. HTML The first step in creating the alert box is to write the HTML markup. The alert box is wrapped in a `div` element with a class of `alert`. Inside the `div`, there is a `span` element with a class of `close-btn` that contains the close button. Finally, there is a `p` element that contains the text that will be displayed in the alert box. <div class="alert"> <span class="close-btn">×</span> <p>This is an alert box!</p> </div> CSS After writing the HTML markup, we need to style the alert box using CSS. The `alert` class is used to style the `div` element...